Blackthorn Blossom
Photo by Su Haselton
Blackthorn produces its blossom before its leaves, clouds of white hedgerows can be seen across the Reserve in Spring.
Followed in Autumn by rich, ripe purple fruit, much loved by birds and also a key ingredient in Sloe Gin!
Hawthorn produces its blossom after its leaves
Followed by red berries
Rowan produces creamy white flowers in Spring
Followed by orange/red berries in late summer
Crab Apple Trees can be found across the Reserve
Early Summer sees abundant flowers of Dog Roses
Folllowed by bright red rose hips
Bramble is ideal for wildlife. It provides cover and protection, pollen for insects and fruits for birds and mammals.
Guelder Rose is a common shrub producing white flowers followed by red berries
Goats Willow or Sallow, also known as Pussy Willow, is the most common of the British willows. The catkins form and flower between January and March before the leaves are out.